"Welcome to Berhampore Municipality. If you come to know about any Vector-borne diseases in your area, be alert and inform the municipal authorities. Stop wasting water, save water, save life. Plant trees to keep the environment clean and tidy. Pay all kinds of taxes on time. Keep the road clean. Cooperate with the municipality in development work. Berhampore municipality is usually an administrative division having corporate status and powers of self-government or jurisdiction as granted by national and regional laws to which it is subordinate."





Information  Value
 Number of  Slums (Notified)   60
 Number of Households in Slums  11000
 Slum Population  ( Total )  45600
 Distance from Nearest Railway Station  2 K.M
 Number of Bus Terminus within or Near Municipality  2
 Length of  Road ( Km )   1000.75 
 Total Drainage Network   2275km 
 Frequency of Solid Waste Collection ( Daily / Alternate Day / Thrice a week / Twice a week   Daily
 Road Length covered by Street Lighting (%)   85%
 Number of Burning  Ghats  2
 Number of  Electric Crematorium   2
 Number of Burial Grounds   2



Sri Narugopal Mukherjee, B.A. (Hons.)

S/o Lt. Pradip Mukherjee

49 A.C. Road, Lane No. - 5

Post. - Khagra, Berhampore, Murshidabad.

Mobile No. : 9475365544

Email : chairman.berhampore@gmail.com




 Job News


"Stay connected with Berhampore Municipality and feel free to visit our officials periodically for recent Job Updates. Thank you."


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