"Welcome to Berhampore Municipality. If you come to know about any Vector-borne diseases in your area, be alert and inform the municipal authorities. Stop wasting water, save water, save life. Plant trees to keep the environment clean and tidy. Pay all kinds of taxes on time. Keep the road clean. Cooperate with the municipality in development work. Berhampore municipality is usually an administrative division having corporate status and powers of self-government or jurisdiction as granted by national and regional laws to which it is subordinate."


History of Berhampore Municipality:

Berhampore Municipality is one of the oldest municipalities in West Bengal. Many eminent and respectable personalities, including Maharaja Manindra Chandra Nandi and Maharaja Shris Chandra Chandra Nandi chaired this municipality in different times which made this institution. a heritage one.The area boundary of BerhamporeMunicipality was specified in the year 1869 and in 1876 BerhamporeMunicipality was established. In the very beginning, the British Government did not leave the governance of this municipality completely in the hand of Non Government folks as after Sipoy Mutiny in 1857, a large number British army people stayed at Berhamopore Cantonment area. Therefore the Municipality was constituted with both the government and non government peoples.The municipal board was constituted by, 14 non-governmental members and 5 government nominated members, total 19 members. This trend was continued up to 1884.The District Magistrate acted as the President of the Municipality during this tenure. In the year 1884, according to “Bengal Municipal Act 1876”, finally the Administration and management of BerhamporeMunicipality was handed over to 14 elected and 5 governments nominated members. The first Chairman of Berhampore Municipality (1884) was Ray Bahadur Baikunthanath Sen, who was a reputed Advocate and the President of District Bar Association as well. That time the area of BerhamporeMunicipality was divided into 6 wards i.e. 1) Gorabazar 2) Cantonment 3) Berhampore 4) Khagra 5) Saidabad and 6) Cossimbazar. The numbers of elected members from each ward were as follows,  3 from Gorabazar,1 from Cantonment,4 from Berhampore ,3 from Khagra,2 from Saidabad and 1 member  from Cossimbazar ward .


Historical Places of Berhampore Municipality:

Berhampore is a very old historical town which has a rich heritage of preserving historical monuments and sculptures. In this town one can found specimens of old European trends and ancient Bengali sculpture together .Tombs of  Dutch Traders, Tombs of  English Traders, heritage churches are the examples of Old European art and sculptures, on the other hand this town  preserves the Terracotta temples as  specimens of old Bengali heritage. Old Mosques at Gorabazar and Khagra areas tell the stories of Nawabi reign. Maharajas of Cossimbazar made this town proud for their heart and soul participation in social services and India’s freedom movement. Their Royal palaces at Cossimbazar and Saidabad tell the story of their glory. Unfortunately many of these heritage buildings and sculptures are being damaged because of lack of proper maintenance. Berhampore Municipality is trying their level best to preserve these treasures of rich history and heritage. 

 Photos Of Historical Places (Click Here)



Sri Narugopal Mukherjee, B.A. (Hons.)

S/o Lt. Pradip Mukherjee

49 A.C. Road, Lane No. - 5

Post. - Khagra, Berhampore, Murshidabad.

Mobile No. : 9475365544

Email : chairman.berhampore@gmail.com




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